CREATE INDEX statement failed. Column '%1!s!'has a data type that cannot participate in a columnstore index. Omit column '%2!s!'.
CREATE INDEX statement failed. A columnstore index cannot include a decimal or numeric data type with a precision greater ...
CREATE INDEX statement failed. Column '%1!s!' is either a primary key or a partitioning key that must be included, but '%2!s!'has ...
CREATE INDEX statement failed. Column '%1!s!' is either a primary key or a partitioning key that must be included, but a ...
CREATE INDEX statement failed. Column '%1!s!' is either a primary key or a partitioning key that must be included, but a ...
CREATE INDEX statement failed. Column '%1!s!'has a data type that cannot participate in a columnstore index. Omit column ...
CREATE INDEX statements with a DROP_EXISTING option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ...
CREATE LOGIN statements with DEFAULT_DATABASE option are not supported in a data-tier application. Remove the statement or ...
CREATE LOGIN statements with PASSWORD or SID options that do not specify a MUST_CHANGE option are not supported in a data-tier ...
Create or edit perspectives to define views of the PowerPivot data. Before you can create perspectives, at least one table ...