A failed logon attempt has caused a logon cache entry for user %1 to be deleted. The authentication package was %2, and the error message was %3.
A duplicate name has been detected on the TCP network. The IP address of the computer that sent the message is in the data. ...
A duplicate of this document was detected, and the document will be retried. If this problem persists, recreate the content ...
A duplicate resource identifier '{0}' was found while processing the specification for node '{1}'. Change the name of this ...
A enrollment server is needed to issue and renew certificates. The system will connect to enrollment servers in the following ...
A failed logon attempt has caused a logon cache entry for user %1 to be deleted. The authentication package was %2, and the ...
A failover relationship has been created between servers %1 and %2 with the following configuration parameters: name: %3, ...
A failover relationship has been created between servers %1 and %2 with the following configuration parameters: name: %3, ...
A fatal alert was generated and sent to the remote endpoint. This may result in termination of the connection. The TLS protocol ...
A fatal error has occurred in the classification pipeline. All currently running reporting, classification, and file management ...