If set to true, and the current machine is 64-bit, then run F# Interactive as a 64-bit process. (Otherwise, F# Interactive is a 32-bit process.)
If False, the actual parameter must be the constraint type (if there is one) or one of its subclasses. If True, the actual ...
If Lock screen notifications are enabled, you must specify one or more Background task declarations of type "Timer", "Control ...
If MSBuild debugging does not work correctly, please verify that the "Just My Code" feature is enabled in Visual Studio, ...
If not empty, this type is defined by binding values to the parameters of a type that has template parameters. For example, ...
If set to true, and the current machine is 64-bit, then run F# Interactive as a 64-bit process. (Otherwise, F# Interactive ...
If set to true, specifies whether the rollback should proceed even when it will cause local data to be lost from some role ...
If statement Conditionally runs a group of statements, depending on the value of an expression. If Then Else -or- If Then].[ElseIf ...
If TestExpression evaluates to True, the function calculates and returns the TruePart object. Otherwise, it returns the FalsePart ...
If the application under test has an application exception dialog open or is not working correctly, close the dialog or close ...