The Indicators field displays indicators that give different types of information about a task. For example, a completed indicator alerts you that the task is completed. A constraint indicator means the task includes a date constraint. A note indicator flags a task with a note attached.
The imported data does not match the destination field type.}There is invalid data in the source file on row ^1 column ^2. ...
The imported data does not match the destination field type.}There is invalid data in the source file. \"^1\" for task ID ...
The imported project has been published to a Project Server database.}After importing this project you should republish the ...
The Indicators field displays indicators that give different types of information about a resource. For example, a note indicator ...
The Indicators field displays indicators that give different types of information about a task. For example, a completed ...
The information is not complete. If you want to change the site address, provide both the server and the complete site path: ...
The Input into the Multi-Values field is invalid.}One of the following might be wrong: You have not separated your individual ...
The intent of this template is to cover planning through deployment of external training programs with regards to assessing ...
The interim plan to the \"^1\" field cannot be saved.}\"^1\" has a value list, formula, or summary calculation attributes ...