UPDATE is not allowed because the statement updates view "%1!s!" which participates in a join and has an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger.
Unrecognized XSD type of '%{strXSIType/}' found on the element, %{strQName/}, at line %d{iLine/}, column %d{iCol/} (namespace ...
Unsupported data object implementation version encountered during deserialization; object class '%{objClass/}', object name ...
Unsupported DataType property "{0}" in the XML node "{0}". Only data type "3" is supported. The offending ForEachPropertyMapping ...
Update all of the PowerPivot tables that are linked to tables in Excel. At least one linked tables must exist before you ...
UPDATE is not allowed because the statement updates view "%1!s!" which participates in a join and has an INSTEAD OF UPDATE ...
Update the currently selected PowerPivot table that is linked to a table in Excel. At least one linked tables must exist ...
Updateable Subscriptions: INSERT operations on tables with identity or timestamp columns are not allowed unless a primary ...
Updateable Subscriptions: Rows do not match between Publisher and Subscriber. Run the Distribution Agent to refresh rows ...
Updateable Subscriptions: UPDATE operations on tables with identity or timestamp columns are not allowed unless a primary ...