OpsMgr running for management group %1 failed to start HTTPS server. Required dependency feature (WWSAPI) is missing or not accessible.
OpsMgr has received new configuration for management group %1 from the Configuration Service. The new state cookie is "%2" ...
OpsMgr has received new configuration for management group %1 from the Configuration Service. The new state cookie is "%2" ...
OpsMgr Health Service "%3" running on "%1" has contacted OpsMgr Config Service to synchronize its configuration state. The ...
OpsMgr running for management group %1 failed to accept connection from health service %2 (%3). It is connecting with different ...
OpsMgr running for management group %1 failed to start HTTPS server. Required dependency feature (WWSAPI) is missing or not ...
OpsMgr was unable to set up a communications channel to %1 and there are no failover hosts. Communication will resume when ...
OpsMgr was unable to set up a communications channel to %1 and there are no failover hosts. Communication will resume when ...
OpsMgr was unable to set up a communications channel to %1. Communication will resume when %1 is available and communication ...
OpsMgr was unable to set up a communications channel to %1. Communication will resume when %1 is both available and allows ...