Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. Waiting for the completion of ReceiveContext acknowledgement. If your service seems to be not processing the message ensure that the channel implementation of receive context completes the operation.
Switch '-c' requires a component to be specified for installation or uninstallation. Please specify which components to install ...
Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. Cannot process more than one transaction ...
Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. ConcurrencyMode for service is set to Single/Reentrant ...
Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. UseSynchronizationContext property on ServiceBehaviorAttribute ...
Switched threads while processing a message for Contract '{0}' at Address '{1}'. Waiting for the completion of ReceiveContext ...
SymbolResolver cannot be used as a per-instance extension. Use the singletonObject overload to add a SymbolResolver to your ...
SymmetricSecurityBindingElement cannot build a channel or listener factory. The ProtectionTokenParameters property is required ...
Syntax error in Lookup expression: Expecting keyword 'Parent' followed by a single column argument with possible relation ...
Syntax error, bad array declarator. To declare a managed array the rank specifier precedes the variable's identifier. To ...