You are attempting to shut down another computer to which you and other users are connected. As a result, nobody will be able to use this computer until it is manually restarted. Do you want to continue?
You are attempting to reduce the number of ports on this device. If the new number of ports is less than the total number ...
You are attempting to replace the BJ Cartridge on a remote printer. To complete the operation you need to have access to ...
You are attempting to replace the ink cartridge on a remote printer. To complete the operation you need to have access to ...
You are attempting to replace the ink tank on a remote printer. To complete the operation you need to have access to this ...
You are attempting to shut down another computer to which you and other users are connected. As a result, nobody will be ...
You are attempting to shut down another computer to which you are connected. As a result nobody will be able to use this ...
You are attempting to upgrade the original manufacturer-installed operating system with a retail version. Doing so may cause ...
You are connected to the remote computer. However, an error occured while an initial user program was starting, so you are ...
You are converting a security group to a distribution group. If this group is used to grant or deny permissions on network ...