PowerPoint has refreshed your presentation with changes made by other authors. To compare the presentation with a previous version click the File tab.
PowerPoint found content in ^0 that it did not understand. This content has been removed and cannot be recovered. You should ...
PowerPoint has detected a problem with this file. Opening it may be dangerous. You should not open this file unless you trust ...
PowerPoint has detected the default template "^0". In order to continue using this file, it must be renamed to "^1". Would ...
PowerPoint has finished searching the outline. Do you want to continue searching the remaining text on slides and in notes? ...
PowerPoint has refreshed your presentation with changes made by other authors. To compare the presentation with a previous ...
PowerPoint is busy. This may be because PowerPoint is currently waiting for user input (for example, a dialog may be open). ...
PowerPoint is currently busy processing a print job and may not be able to resume the unfinished job if it enters a suspended ...
PowerPoint is in the process of aborting background print jobs and can't accept new print requests until this task is completed. ...
PowerPoint is not receiving sound from the microphone. Try one of the following and then try to set the microphone recording ...