Usage: %1!s! [ mode= ] { open [ name= ]| append [ name = ] | close } Parameters: Tag Value mode - One of the following values: open: Creates a new file or overwrites an existing file and streams the console output to the file append: Opens an existing file and streams the console output to the end of the existing file close: Stops streaming and closes a file name - Name of the file (full path optional) Remarks: Copy the console output to a file. Example: %1!s! open c:\logfiles\logfile.txt The above command creates a file and logs all output to it.
Usage: %1!s! mode = ALL|SERVERONLY Parameters: mode - what type of access to grant ALL - clients are able to reach the remote ...
Usage: %1!s! mode = ALL|SERVERONLY Parameters: mode - what type of access to grant ALL - clients are able to reach the remote ...
Usage: %1!s! mode= ENABLE|DISABLE Parameters: mode - Specifies the mode for routeradvertise option on this server. ENABLE ...
Usage: %1!s! mode= { online | offline } Parameters: Tag Value mode - One of the following values: online: Commit changes ...
Usage: %1!s! mode= { open name= | append name = | close } Parameters: Tag Value mode - One of the following values: open: ...
Usage: %1!s! mode=]allow|disallow ssid= key= keyUsage=]persistent|temporary Parameters: Tag Value mode Specifies whether ...
Usage: %1!s! mode=]yes|no Parameters: Tag Value mode - One of the following values: yes: Enables tracing for Mobile Broadband. ...
Usage: %1!s! mode=]yes|no|persistent Parameters: Tag Value mode - Enable, make it persistent or disable tracing. Remarks: ...
Usage: %1!s! mode=]yes|no|persistent Parameters: Tag Value mode - Enable, make it persistent or disable tracing. Remarks: ...