Average of children
Take the corresponding target score for each of the child KPIs immediately below this KPI and use the average as the input value for this KPI.
Automatic scheduling of content for processing, and performing a retention action on content that has reached its due date. ...
Automatically generate a new managed property for each crawled property discovered in this category, with the settings below ...
Available drive space is less than five times the value of physical memory. This is dangerous because it does not provide ...
Available drive space is less than twice the value of physical memory. This is dangerous because it does not provide enough ...
Average of children Take the corresponding target score for each of the child KPIs immediately below this KPI and use the ...
Backend system adapter returned a structure incompatible with the corresponding metadata (MethodInstance, Parameter or TypeDescriptor) ...
Backup/Restore encountered a component without a valid name. The item will not be backed up. Names must not be null or empty. ...
Bar indicator, quantitative - horizontal rectangle with eight bands and a border, large. This indicator style is used to ...
Bar indicator, quantitative - horizontal rectangle with eight bands and a border, medium. This indicator style is used to ...