Usage: CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt operation -n= -p= List of operations: -a - Add the AppContainer or Package Family ...

   CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt [operation] [-n=] [-p=]
      List of operations: 
          -a  -  Add the AppContainer or Package Family to the loopback   
                 exempted list.                                           
          -d  -  Delete an AppContainer or Package Family from the        
                 loopback exempted list.                                  
          -c  -  Clear the list of loopback exempted AppContainers and    
                 Package Families.                                        
          -s  -  Show a list of loopback exempted AppContainers and       
                 Package Families.                                        

      List of arguments: 
          -n= - AppContainer Name or Package Family Name.            
          -p= - AppContainer or Package Family Security Identifier (SID). 
          -?  - Displays this help message for the LoopbackExempt module.