Cannot create a distributed availability replica for availability group '%1!s!'. An availability replica of the specified availability group already exists on this instance of SQL Server. Verify that the specified availability group name is correct and unique, then retry the operation. To remove the existing availability replica, run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command.
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. The collation cast expression with collation name '%3!s!' is non-deterministic because ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. The function '%3!s!' yields imprecise results. Use a precise system function, or modify ...
Cannot create %1!s! on view '%2!s!'. The function '%3!s!' yields nondeterministic results. Use a deterministic system function, ...
Cannot create %1!s!. To create %2!s!, the database must have a MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_FILEGROUP that is online and has at least ...
Cannot create a distributed availability replica for availability group '%1!s!'. An availability replica of the specified ...
Cannot create a distributed availability replica for availability group '%1!s!'. Local availability group is participating ...
Cannot create a distributed availability replica for availability group '%1!s!'. There is an already existing distributed ...
Cannot create a row that has sparse data of size %1!s! which is greater than the allowable maximum sparse data size of %2!s!. ...
Cannot create a sub-directory under the snapshot folder (%1!s!). Ensure that there is enough disk space available, and that ...