Select to indicate that the account is a monetary account and will use the exchange rate of the assessment time rather than the transaction date
Select this option to restrict creating sales transactions that contain both sales and return lines. E.g. it will not be ...
Select this option to restrict the available installment plans for sales orders. Only the installment plans related to the ...
Select this to allow the employee who is assigned to the permission group to print copies of receipts. If the POS functionality ...
Select to exclude opening transactions in the opening balance line of the report. Opening transactions will be displayed ...
Select to indicate that the account is a monetary account and will use the exchange rate of the assessment time rather than ...
Select to specify that although a release to warehouse fails, the quantity that was reserved automatically for the sales ...
Select to use the financial dimensions from the source document header or from the account distributions for the summary ...
Select up to four facet fields for each searchable entity. Select an entity and then add, remove, or rearrange the fields ...
Select when creating a category that is to be used as a navigational shortcut to another category on the procurement site. ...