The parent VM of the given virtual network adapter %Name; is not running and hence configuring the IP address settings is not supported. They will be applied by the host virtualization platform only when the VM starts running.
The ownership for this object cannot be changed because the new owner is not a member of a user role that has access to this ...
The parameter value for the virtual machine generation is inconsistent with the generation specified in hardware profile ...
The parameters -Name, -Description, -StartVM, -MemoryMB, -ProcessorCount, -ProcessorType, -CPURelativeWeight, -DriverPath, ...
The parameters SaveState, RestoreState, PreService, and PostService can be used only with an application deployment object. ...
The parent VM of the given virtual network adapter %Name; is not running and hence configuring the IP address settings is ...
The path %FilePath; specified for the shared virtual hard disk is invalid because it is not supported on a server running ...
The percentage of time spent by the assigned virtual processors in guest code. This counter is aggregated over a time interval. ...
The percentage of time that the host's logical processor used to run guest and hypervisor code. This counter is aggregated ...
The physical computer with SMBIOS GUID %SMBIOSGUID; did not join Active Directory in time. The comptuer was expected to join ...