Stop, shut down, or save the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is in a failed state, use "Repair virtual machine" to repair the virtual machine. Then try the operation again.
Static IP address pools require the existence of logical networks. Create a logical network before creating a static IP address ...
Static IP address pools require the existence of VM networks. Create a VM network before creating a static IP address pool. ...
Static IP could not be set on the Host Virtual Network Adapter (%Id;) on Host %ServerName; (WMI Method: %WMIMethodName;, ...
Stop the service locally in the Services MMC snap-in by running services.msc on %ComputerName;, choose the service %ServiceName;, ...
Stop, shut down, or save the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is in a failed state, use "Repair virtual machine" to ...
Stopping a virtual machine causes a loss of service to any users of the machine. You have chosen to stop the following virtual ...
Stopping this virtual machine will cause a loss of service to all users of this virtual machine. Do you want to continue? ...
Storage classification "%Name;" cannot be found. Storage classification reference will be removed from disk (%BusType;, %Bus;, ...
Storage discovery of provider %ProviderName; for user %UserName; failed from %ComputerName; with error code %StorageErrorCode;. ...