The partitioned snapshot available for this Subscriber is outdated. To initialize this Subscriber, you must generate a new partitioned snapshot or enable the Merge Agent to automatically detect and apply the initial snapshot.
The Parameters property of the IDbCommand interface does not support the IList interface. External error: %1[%{exception/}%]%[;%{exceptioninner/}%]. ...
The ParamValue cannot be inserted at this position. The index specified might be lesser than zero or greater than the length. ...
The partition merge operation cannot be executed since it is attempting to modify the contents of the read only database ...
The partition with ID '%{partitionID/}' and name '%{partitionName/}' is a regular partition and cannot be altered to be a ...
The partitioned snapshot available for this Subscriber is outdated. To initialize this Subscriber, you must generate a new ...
The partitioned snapshot could not be generated because the agent failed to obtain a required application lock. If the snapshot ...
The partitioned snapshot process cannot complete. Cannot retrieve the maximum timestamp information from the MSsnapshot_history ...
The partitioned snapshot token for this subscription is invalid and validation of the partitioned snapshot will be skipped. ...
The partitioned view "%1!s!" is not updatable because one or more of the non-partitioning columns of its member tables have ...