You have selected to reset passwords. You are advised to e-mail the list of reset passwords to an admin or user from the Confirmation screen. Bypassing the e-mail Send option on the Confirmation page will require you to repeat this action again at a later time.
You have reached the limit for the number of objects your company can create. To create new objects, such as users and security ...
You have received this message because the account is disabled, or because one or more licenses assigned to this user account ...
You have retrieved your temporary password three times through the Microsoft Online Services Customer Portal. If you have ...
You have selected multiple users. The changes that you make will affect all selected users. Fields and options that you do ...
You have selected to reset passwords. You are advised to e-mail the list of reset passwords to an admin or user from the ...
You have selected users that live in a country or region where only instant messaging and presence functionality are supported. ...
You have successfully installed the Directory Synchronization tool using the /FullSQL option. To configure the Directory ...
You have successfully installed the Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization tool using the /FullSQL option. To ...
You have successfully installed the Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization tool using the /FullSQL option. To ...