Could not load the default data generator for data type {0}. Select another default data generator for this data type on the Tools\Options page, or make sure that the generator is listed in an extensions file.
Could not get table and column names for {0}. To resolve this problem, build the project, fix any errors, and edit the table ...
Could not install the certificate into the personal certificate store because it requires a password. In the Project Designer, ...
Could not load a snippet titled 'Event Stub', 'Method Stub', or 'Property Stub', or could not find a literal in that snippet ...
Could not load assembly; {0} and class: {1} The fault could be in the registry or it could be that the assembly itself is ...
Could not load the default data generator for data type {0}. Select another default data generator for this data type on ...
Could not load the Web.config configuration file. Check the file for any malformed XML elements, and try again. The following ...
Could not locate cross-domain policy at '{0}': Web services might not be accessible at runtime by your Silverlight application. ...
Could not locate the specified server. This may be due to one of the following reasons: you specified the wrong name, you ...
Could not make connection to Microsoft Visual Web Developer. Please try to start Microsoft Visual Web Developer from the ...