Could not find Microsoft Silverlight SDK {0}. Plase make sure that the correct version of the Microsoft Silverlight SDK has been installed.
Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type '%1!ls!'. '%2!ls!' not found. Are you missing a reference ...
Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type '%1!ls!'. '%2!ls!' not found. Consider explicitly specifying ...
could not find assembly '%s': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable ...
Could not find assembly to display link type '{0}'. This could happen if component required to edit that type is not installed. ...
Could not find Microsoft Silverlight SDK {0}. Plase make sure that the correct version of the Microsoft Silverlight SDK has ...
Could not find Microsoft Silverlight SDK {0}. Please make sure that the correct version of the Microsoft Silverlight SDK ...
Could not find rule assembly or directory "{0}" specified in CodeAnalysisRuleAssemblies for the "{1}" configuration. Some ...
Could not find test plan with ID {0}. Make sure the test plan exists under team project '{1}' and you have the right permissions. ...
Could not find test suite with ID {0}. Make sure the test suite exists under team project '{1}' and you have the right permissions. ...