Visual Studio 2010

  1. Modify member {0} so that it does not raise an exception from within a filter clause. When an exception is raised from within ...
  2. Modify member {0} so that it does not raise an exception from within a finally clause. When an exception is raised from within ...
  3. Modify the Data View based on data values received from another Web Part. These data values may be used by both the data ...
  4. Modify your |0 account by changing the information below. Clicking ok will contact your provider and configure your account ...
  5. Modify {0} so that it calls Dispose(true), then calls GC.SuppressFinalize on the current object instance ('this' or 'Me' ...
  6. Modifying a '%1' containing an active statement in compiler generated code will prevent the debug session from continuing ...
  7. Modifying a '%1' initializer with a lambda expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  8. Modifying a '%1' initializer with a query expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  9. Modifying a '%1' initializer with an anonymous method will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  10. Modifying a '%1' initializer with an anonymous type will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  11. Modifying a '%1' which contains a dynamic invocation will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  12. Modifying a '%1' which contains a lambda expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  13. Modifying a '%1' which contains a query expression will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  14. Modifying a '%1' which contains a usage of an embedded interop type/member will prevent the debug session from continuing ...
  15. Modifying a '%1' which contains an anonymous method will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  16. Modifying a '%1' which contains an anonymous type will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  17. Modifying a '%1' which contains the 'stackalloc' operator will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  18. Modifying a '%1' which contains the 'yield return' or 'yield break' statement will prevent the debug session from continuing ...
  19. Modifying a catch handler around an active statement will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  20. Modifying a catch/finally handler with an active statement in the try block will prevent the debug session from continuing ...
  21. Modifying a method inside the context of a generic type will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  22. Modifying a try/catch/finally statement when the finally block is active will prevent the debug session from continuing while ...
  23. Modifying the initializer of a '%1' in a generic type will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
  24. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} One is a type function and the other is not. The signature requires ...
  25. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The accessibility specified in the signature is more than that ...
  26. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The arities in the signature and implementation differ. The signature ...
  27. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The compiled representation of this method is as a static member ...
  28. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The compiled representation of this method is as an instance member, ...
  29. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The generic parameters in the signature and implementation have ...
  30. Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The number of generic parameters in the signature and implementation ...
  31. Module keyword Specifies that an attribute at the beginning of a source file applies to the entire module. Otherwise the ...
  32. Module or assembly depends on a version of core library that is newer than the one the Reader uses to resolve system types. ...
  33. Monitors the values of certain cells as changes are made to the sheet. The values are displayed in a separate window that ...
  34. More than one build controller named {0} was found. Specify a build controller without a wildcard character and try again. ...
  35. More than one build service host named {0} was found. Specify a build service host without a wildcard character and try again. ...
  36. More than one connection is available for the selected database objects. Which connection should the selected objects use ...
  37. More than one dataset, data region, or grouping in the report has the name {3}'. Dataset, data region, and grouping names ...
  38. More than one report parameter in the report has the (case-insensitive) name {1}'. Report parameter names that only differ ...
  39. More than one ServiceInstance were registered to the tool: "{0}". Call the overload of this method that specifies a ServiceInterface ...
  40. More than one Team Foundation feature that can have IIS sites are on the machine. Use the /siteType option to specify which ...
  41. More than {2} errors of type '{0}' and sub type '{1}' have occurred; additional errors of this type will not be reported. ...
  42. Most reference types, including those that override System.Object.Equals, do not override the equality operator (=). Most ...
  43. Move a Property Sheet : Moves a property sheet one position earlier or later (with respect to its sibling property sheets) ...
  44. Move in the left side of the paragraph by a certain amount. To change the margins for the whole document, click the Margins ...
  45. Move in the right side of the paragraph by a certain amount. To change the margins for the whole document, click the Margins ...
  46. Move Schema refactoring operation with key {0} is skipped, new schema {1} is external and does not exist in target database. ...
  47. Move the splitters which separate the different sections of the window. After clicking this button, use the arrow keys to ...
  48. Moves a form by dragging any part of it with the mouse. This feature is particularly useful when the form has no title bar. ...
  49. MPI network filter : Specifies the IP addresses from which to accept connections (if chosen above). Ex: ...
  50. MSB5014: File format version is not recognized. MSBuild can only read solution files between versions {0}.0 and {1}.0, inclusive. ...
  51. MSB8012: %s ('%s') does not match the %s's OutputFile property value '%s' ('%s') in project configuration '%s'. This may ...
  52. MSBuild could not locate the Code Analysis tool at '{0}'. If MSBuild is being run from within the "Visual Studio Command ...
  53. MSIL .netmodule or module compiled with /GL found; restarting link with /LTCG; add /LTCG to the link command line to improve ...
  54. Msvsmon has been launched with the '/noauth' option, which disables authentication. This is a security risk. This option ...
  55. Msvsmon was unable to allow user '%s' to connect. The following error occurred: %s View Msvsmon's help for more information. ...
  56. Msvsmon was unable to start a server named '%s'. The following error occurred: %s View Msvsmon's help for more information. ...
  57. Multiple arguments have the same JobId. Make sure each JobId is distinct for any JobDefinition and/or JobId parameters and ...
  58. Multiple certificates with the same name '{0}', store name '{1}' and store location '{2}' are defined for the role '{3}'. ...
  59. Multiple certificates with the same name '{0}', store name '{1}' and store location '{2}' are defined within the same role. ...
  60. Multiple check-out allows more than one person to edit a file at the same time. Conflicting changes are reconciled before ...
  61. Multiple collection entries were found for collection name {0}. Values found: Existing Collection Id : {1} Existing Collection ...
  62. Multiple constructors are required to correctly implement a custom exception. Missing constructors can make your exception ...
  63. Multiple copies of the Silverlight reference assembly '{0}' were found in the assembly search paths. Could not determine ...
  64. Multiple data sources were found in the project. Please select which of the following data sources you would like to merge ...
  65. Multiple errors occurred during the operation, the first of which is displayed below. A full error list is available in the ...
  66. Multiple host control blueprints were provided but a corresponding number of host item output file names were not provided. ...
  67. Multiple initializations of '|1'. Fields and properties can be initialized only once in an object initializer expression. ...
  68. Multiple LobSystems exist with Type attribute equal to 'DotNetAssembly'. It is only supported to work on a model with one ...
  69. Multiple network adapters found in host {0} in host group {1}. Select the network adapter to which virtual machines in lab ...
  70. Multiple SQL Server Analysis Services databases were found in the specified instance of SQL Server. You must use TFSConfig ...
  71. Multiple startup assemblies have been added to this solution. The application manifest can contain a reference to only one ...
  72. Multiple tasks with the same task ID should not co-exist. Check whether the same task is running on multiple threads in your ...
  73. Multiple template directives were found in the template. All but the first one will be ignored. Multiple parameters to the ...
  74. Multiple types exist called '{0}', taking different numbers of generic parameters. Provide a type instantiation to disambiguate ...
  75. Multiple types were found that match the controller named '{0}'. This can happen if the route that services this request ...