Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The compiled representation of this method is as a static member but the signature indicates its compiled representation is as an instance member
Modifying the initializer of a '%1' in a generic type will prevent the debug session from continuing while Edit and Continue ...
Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} One is a type function and the other is not. The signature requires ...
Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The accessibility specified in the signature is more than that ...
Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The arities in the signature and implementation differ. The signature ...
Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The compiled representation of this method is as a static member ...
Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The compiled representation of this method is as an instance member, ...
Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The generic parameters in the signature and implementation have ...
Module '{0}' contains {1} but its signature specifies {2} The number of generic parameters in the signature and implementation ...
Module keyword Specifies that an attribute at the beginning of a source file applies to the entire module. Otherwise the ...