Power BI

  1. The name of the item '{0}' is not valid. The name must be less than {1} characters long. The name must not start with a slash ...
  2. The name of the object contains a character which is not allowed. The characters that may not be used for the name of this ...
  3. The name of the table is inconsistent across columns definition in the DATATABLE function, the table of the column at index ...
  4. The name you entered is not valid. Reasons for this can include: - The name doesn't begin with a letter or an underscore ...
  5. The name, '%{name/}', for the %{typename/} is not valid because it contains one or more invalid characters (%{invalidchars/}). ...
  6. The name, '%{name/}', for the %{typename/} is not valid because this name is a reserved word, contains one or more invalid ...
  7. The name, '%{role/}', for the RelationshipEnd is not valid because this name is a reserved word, contains one or more invalid ...
  8. The namespace '{0}' is a system namespace and is implicitly referred by every schema. You cannot specify an explicit reference ...
  9. The navigation property '{0}' on entity of type '{1}' must implement IEnumerable in order for Entity Framework to be able ...
  10. The new formula text cannot be saved because it causes one or more errors to the query. Do you want to edit the text in formula ...
  11. The new report canvas provides many more visuals and customization options. All reports will be automatically converted to ...
  12. The new report canvas provides many more visuals and customization options. All reports will be automatically converted to ...
  13. The new web farm node has not placed its public key in the database. It may not be connected to the correct database or its ...
  14. The newly created External RoleMembership object in role '%{role/}' for provider '{%provider/}' has no value specified for ...
  15. The newly created Windows RoleMembership object in role '%{role/}' has no value specified for either MemberName or MemberID. ...
  16. The node '{0}' cannot be selected in this context because it belongs to a different aggregation root than the currently selected ...
  17. The non-aggregatable attribute '%{attribute/}' in the '%{dimension/}' dimension, is referenced by the cube attribute '%{property/}' ...
  18. The NullProcessing value of the '%{measure/}' measure must be Preserve because its '%{operand/}' measure expression operand ...
  19. The number of buckets found by the discretization method is not same as the number of buckets requested by the attribute ...
  20. The number of columns to paste ({0}) must be the same as the number of columns being pasted into ({1}). Calculated columns ...
  21. The number of data sources for this tenant has already reached the maximum limit (1000). Please contact Microsoft customer ...
  22. The number of decimals entered for the status target value exceeds the maximum length allowed. The maximum is {0} decimals. ...
  23. The number of decimals entered for the threshold exceeds the maximum length allowed. The maximum is {0} decimals. Click {1} ...
  24. The number of digits to which you want to round. Negative rounds to the left of the decimal point; zero or omitted, to the ...
  25. The number of digits to which you want to round. Negative rounds to the left of the decimal point; zero or omitted, to the ...
  26. The number of digits to which you want to round. Negative rounds to the left of the decimal point; zero to the nearest integer ...
  27. The number of digits to which you want to round. Negative rounds to the left of the decimal point; zero to the nearest integer. ...
  28. The number of elements in the source collection is greater than the available space from index to the end of the destination ...
  29. The number of foreign key bindings for the '%{tablecolumn/}' nested table does not match the number of key bindings for the ...
  30. The number of gateways for this tenant has already reached the maximum limit (500). Please contact Microsoft customer support. ...
  31. The number of items in the list is too large. Buffered lists can support up to {0} items and streamed lists can support up ...
  32. The number of key columns in the APPEND clause number %d{iClause/} is not the same as the top-level APPEND clause of the ...
  33. The number of members in the conceptual type '{0}' does not match with the number of members on the object side type '{1}'. ...
  34. The NumericPrecisionBase facet must be specified when either of the NumericPrecision or NumericScale facets are specified. ...
  35. The NumericPrecisionBase, NumericPrecision, NumericScale, DateTimePrecision, and MaxLength facets must have non-negative ...
  36. The object at index {0} in the specified collection of objects is in an added or deleted state. Relationships cannot be created ...
  37. The object at index {0} in the specified collection of objects is not attached to the same ObjectContext as source object ...
  38. The object cannot be added to the object context. The object s EntityKey has an ObjectStateEntry that indicates that the ...
  39. The object cannot be attached because it is already in the object context. An object can only be reattached when it is in ...
  40. The object cannot be attached because the value of a property that is a part of the EntityKey does not match the corresponding ...
  41. The object could not be added or attached because its EntityReference has an EntityKey property value that does not match ...
  42. The object could not be added to the bound collection. The specific EntitySet for the object of type '{0}' could not be determined. ...
  43. The object could not be added to the EntityCollection or EntityReference. An object that is attached to an ObjectContext ...
  44. The object could not be removed from the EntityCollection or EntityReference. An object that is attached to an ObjectContext ...
  45. The object ID cannot be changed from '%{strID/}' to '%{strNewID/}' for the '%{name/}' %{typename/}. The object ID cannot ...
  46. The object ID is missing from the object definition of %{strName/}. When a CREATE statement has set the object overwrite ...
  47. The object in the '{0}' role cannot be automatically added to the context because it was retrieved using the NoTracking merge ...
  48. The object in the ObjectContext is of type '{0}', but the modified object provided is of type '{1}'. The two objects must ...
  49. The object is in a detached state. This operation cannot be performed on an ObjectStateEntry when the object is detached. ...
  50. The object model cannot be used since there is no available session context. This typically occurs because the AdomdServer ...
  51. The object model does not accept the calls from non-server threads. This typically occurs because the AdomdServer object ...
  52. The object with ID of '%{id/}', Name of '%{name/}' is of type '%{typename/}' which does not support the requested operation. ...
  53. The ObjectStateEntry is a relationship entry. The current and original values of relationship entries cannot be modified. ...
  54. The OLAP binding of the '%{column/}' nested table should reference the same cube as the binding of the '%{struct/}' mining ...
  55. The OLAP Cube-based mining structure or model, '%{name/}', cannot be processed with out-of-line bindings (e.g. the INSERT ...
  56. The ON clause at line %d{Line/}, column %d{Column/}, is not valid. Columns specified in the ON clause must be scalar, and ...
  57. The operation cannot be completed because the file extension is either missing or it is not valid. Valid file extensions ...
  58. The operation cannot be completed because the memory quota estimate (%d{Request/}MB) exceeds the available system memory ...
  59. The operation cannot be completed because the request encoding format does not match the format specified in request header. ...
  60. The operation cannot be executed since metadata file '%{file_name/}' for the database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ID ...
  61. The operation cannot be executed since the database folder '%{dir_name/}' for the database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ...
  62. The operation cannot be executed since the database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ID of '%{db_id/}' already exists in the ...
  63. The operation cannot be performed because another operation is in progress. Please wait for the other operation to complete ...
  64. The operation cannot be performed because it references an object or property that is unavailable in the current edition ...
  65. The operation cannot be performed because your subscription expired. The Power BI Admin Center is now read-only. You can ...
  66. The operation connects to an external data source. External data sources are used to import data into the data model, but ...
  67. The operation could not be completed because the object to which the relationship manager belongs was attached to the ObjectContext ...
  68. The operation could not be completed because the required metadata could not be found. Make sure that the connection used ...
  69. The operation failed because the Data Management Gateway Instance does not exist. Please check the ID of the gateway instance. ...
  70. The operation failed because the source database does not exist, the source table does not exist, or because you do not have ...
  71. The operation failed because the source does not contain the requested column. You can fix this problem by updating the column ...
  72. The operation failed: The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable. ...
  73. The operation has been cancelled because there is not enough memory available for the application. If using a 32-bit version ...
  74. The operation is not valid because of the current state of the object. You can use the FetchAllProperties method to retrieve ...
  75. The operation on '%{name/}' %{typename/} cannot be completed since it creates ambiguous relationship between reference dimensions ...