Power BI
- The name of the item '{0}' is not valid. The name must be less than {1} characters long. The name must not start with a slash ...
- The name of the object contains a character which is not allowed. The characters that may not be used for the name of this ...
- The name of the table is inconsistent across columns definition in the DATATABLE function, the table of the column at index ...
- The name you entered is not valid. Reasons for this can include: - The name doesn't begin with a letter or an underscore ...
- The name, '%{name/}', for the %{typename/} is not valid because it contains one or more invalid characters (%{invalidchars/}). ...
- The name, '%{name/}', for the %{typename/} is not valid because this name is a reserved word, contains one or more invalid ...
- The name, '%{role/}', for the RelationshipEnd is not valid because this name is a reserved word, contains one or more invalid ...
- The namespace '{0}' is a system namespace and is implicitly referred by every schema. You cannot specify an explicit reference ...
- The navigation property '{0}' on entity of type '{1}' must implement IEnumerable in order for Entity Framework to be able ...
- The new formula text cannot be saved because it causes one or more errors to the query. Do you want to edit the text in formula ...
- The new report canvas provides many more visuals and customization options. All reports will be automatically converted to ...
- The new report canvas provides many more visuals and customization options. All reports will be automatically converted to ...
- The new web farm node has not placed its public key in the database. It may not be connected to the correct database or its ...
- The newly created External RoleMembership object in role '%{role/}' for provider '{%provider/}' has no value specified for ...
- The newly created Windows RoleMembership object in role '%{role/}' has no value specified for either MemberName or MemberID. ...
- The node '{0}' cannot be selected in this context because it belongs to a different aggregation root than the currently selected ...
- The non-aggregatable attribute '%{attribute/}' in the '%{dimension/}' dimension, is referenced by the cube attribute '%{property/}' ...
- The NullProcessing value of the '%{measure/}' measure must be Preserve because its '%{operand/}' measure expression operand ...
- The number of buckets found by the discretization method is not same as the number of buckets requested by the attribute ...
- The number of columns to paste ({0}) must be the same as the number of columns being pasted into ({1}). Calculated columns ...
- The number of data sources for this tenant has already reached the maximum limit (1000). Please contact Microsoft customer ...
- The number of decimals entered for the status target value exceeds the maximum length allowed. The maximum is {0} decimals. ...
- The number of decimals entered for the threshold exceeds the maximum length allowed. The maximum is {0} decimals. Click {1} ...
- The number of digits to which you want to round. Negative rounds to the left of the decimal point; zero or omitted, to the ...
- The number of digits to which you want to round. Negative rounds to the left of the decimal point; zero or omitted, to the ...
- The number of digits to which you want to round. Negative rounds to the left of the decimal point; zero to the nearest integer ...
- The number of digits to which you want to round. Negative rounds to the left of the decimal point; zero to the nearest integer. ...
- The number of elements in the source collection is greater than the available space from index to the end of the destination ...
- The number of foreign key bindings for the '%{tablecolumn/}' nested table does not match the number of key bindings for the ...
- The number of gateways for this tenant has already reached the maximum limit (500). Please contact Microsoft customer support. ...
- The number of items in the list is too large. Buffered lists can support up to {0} items and streamed lists can support up ...
- The number of key columns in the APPEND clause number %d{iClause/} is not the same as the top-level APPEND clause of the ...
- The number of members in the conceptual type '{0}' does not match with the number of members on the object side type '{1}'. ...
- The NumericPrecisionBase facet must be specified when either of the NumericPrecision or NumericScale facets are specified. ...
- The NumericPrecisionBase, NumericPrecision, NumericScale, DateTimePrecision, and MaxLength facets must have non-negative ...
- The object at index {0} in the specified collection of objects is in an added or deleted state. Relationships cannot be created ...
- The object at index {0} in the specified collection of objects is not attached to the same ObjectContext as source object ...
- The object cannot be added to the object context. The object s EntityKey has an ObjectStateEntry that indicates that the ...
- The object cannot be attached because it is already in the object context. An object can only be reattached when it is in ...
- The object cannot be attached because the value of a property that is a part of the EntityKey does not match the corresponding ...
- The object could not be added or attached because its EntityReference has an EntityKey property value that does not match ...
- The object could not be added to the bound collection. The specific EntitySet for the object of type '{0}' could not be determined. ...
- The object could not be added to the EntityCollection or EntityReference. An object that is attached to an ObjectContext ...
- The object could not be removed from the EntityCollection or EntityReference. An object that is attached to an ObjectContext ...
- The object ID cannot be changed from '%{strID/}' to '%{strNewID/}' for the '%{name/}' %{typename/}. The object ID cannot ...
- The object ID is missing from the object definition of %{strName/}. When a CREATE statement has set the object overwrite ...
- The object in the '{0}' role cannot be automatically added to the context because it was retrieved using the NoTracking merge ...
- The object in the ObjectContext is of type '{0}', but the modified object provided is of type '{1}'. The two objects must ...
- The object is in a detached state. This operation cannot be performed on an ObjectStateEntry when the object is detached. ...
- The object model cannot be used since there is no available session context. This typically occurs because the AdomdServer ...
- The object model does not accept the calls from non-server threads. This typically occurs because the AdomdServer object ...
- The object with ID of '%{id/}', Name of '%{name/}' is of type '%{typename/}' which does not support the requested operation. ...
- The ObjectStateEntry is a relationship entry. The current and original values of relationship entries cannot be modified. ...
- The OLAP binding of the '%{column/}' nested table should reference the same cube as the binding of the '%{struct/}' mining ...
- The OLAP Cube-based mining structure or model, '%{name/}', cannot be processed with out-of-line bindings (e.g. the INSERT ...
- The ON clause at line %d{Line/}, column %d{Column/}, is not valid. Columns specified in the ON clause must be scalar, and ...
- The operation cannot be completed because the file extension is either missing or it is not valid. Valid file extensions ...
- The operation cannot be completed because the memory quota estimate (%d{Request/}MB) exceeds the available system memory ...
- The operation cannot be completed because the request encoding format does not match the format specified in request header. ...
- The operation cannot be executed since metadata file '%{file_name/}' for the database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ID ...
- The operation cannot be executed since the database folder '%{dir_name/}' for the database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ...
- The operation cannot be executed since the database with the name of '%{db_name/}', ID of '%{db_id/}' already exists in the ...
- The operation cannot be performed because another operation is in progress. Please wait for the other operation to complete ...
- The operation cannot be performed because it references an object or property that is unavailable in the current edition ...
- The operation cannot be performed because your subscription expired. The Power BI Admin Center is now read-only. You can ...
- The operation connects to an external data source. External data sources are used to import data into the data model, but ...
- The operation could not be completed because the object to which the relationship manager belongs was attached to the ObjectContext ...
- The operation could not be completed because the required metadata could not be found. Make sure that the connection used ...
- The operation failed because the Data Management Gateway Instance does not exist. Please check the ID of the gateway instance. ...
- The operation failed because the source database does not exist, the source table does not exist, or because you do not have ...
- The operation failed because the source does not contain the requested column. You can fix this problem by updating the column ...
- The operation failed: The relationship could not be changed because one or more of the foreign-key properties is non-nullable. ...
- The operation has been cancelled because there is not enough memory available for the application. If using a 32-bit version ...
- The operation is not valid because of the current state of the object. You can use the FetchAllProperties method to retrieve ...
- The operation on '%{name/}' %{typename/} cannot be completed since it creates ambiguous relationship between reference dimensions ...