Power BI
- The dimension is write-enabled, but not all attribute bindings are in a single table (dimension writeback is only possible ...
- The dimension property '%{ColumnId/}', in the dimension '%{TableId/}', has the corresponding attribute hierarchy not optimized ...
- The dimension property '%{IMBIColumnId/}', in the dimension '%{IMBITableId/}', binds to a column of Binary data type, which ...
- The dimension property '%{IMBIColumnId/}', in the dimension '%{IMBITableId/}', has the corresponding attribute hierarchy ...
- The dimension property '%{IMBIColumnId/}', in the dimension '%{IMBITableId/}', has the corresponding attribute hierarchy ...
- The dimension property '%{TableId/}'['%{ColumnId/}' in the sharded dimension has attribute hierarchy enabled. Set ColumnUsage ...
- The dimension should be materialized (set the 'Materialize' property to 'Regular') because the intermediate dimension '{0}' ...
- The dimension with ID of '%{dimensionid/}', Name of '%{dimensionName/}' referenced by the '%{cube/}' cube, does not exist. ...
- The dimension writeback operation cannot be executed since it is attempting to modify the contents of the read only database ...
- The dimension writeback statement contains syntax that is not valid. The last component of a new member definition must be ...
- The dimension, '%{IMBITableId/}', cannot be created in Tabular mode because the attribute, '%{IMBIColumnId/}', binds to a ...
- The direct cell writeback operation cannot be committed, because the '%{measuregroup/}' measure group has no direct write-enabled ...
- The DirectQuery partition {0} cannot be processed using the {1} command. Only Process Clear is supported for this partition ...
- The DirectQueryUsage property of '%{partition/}' partition cannot be set to 'DirectQueryOnly' or 'InMemoryWithDirectQuery' ...
- The DISCOVER_ENUMERATORS schema rowset returns the supported enumerators for a provider, including data types and values. ...
- The DISCOVER_LITERALS schema rowset returns the information about supported literals for a provider, including data types ...
- The DISCOVER_PROPERTIES schema rowset returns information about the properties supported by an XML for Analysis provider. ...
- The DISCOVER_SCHEMA_ROWSETS schema rowset returns a list of all RequestTypes enumeration values that are supported by the ...
- The discretization method specified for the '%{property/}' attribute is not valid because this attribute is bound to a non-numeric ...
- The discretization parameters (DiscretizationMethod and DiscretizationBucketCount) of the '%{column/}' column of the '%{structure/}' ...
- The discretized attribute with ID of '%{propertyId/}', Name of '%{propertyName/}'in the '%{dimension/}' dimension has a name ...
- The DMX statement, INSERT INTO .COLUMN_VALUES, is not supported since the '%{structure/}' mining structure has one or more ...
- The DOM parser failed to load and parse the stream. URL:'%{strURL/}' Reason: '%{strReason/}' Source:'%{strSource/}'. File ...
- The downloaded data is HTML, which isn't the expected type. The URL may be wrong or you might not have provided the right ...
- The edition of Reporting Services that you are using only supports SQL Server relational databases for report data sources. ...
- The edition of Reporting Services that you are using requires that you use local SQL Server relational databases for report ...
- The EDMVersion of the item collection {0} is not an EDMVersion that the runtime supports. The supported versions are {1}. ...
- The element "{0}" in the ElementPath contains a reference to its value and a subelement. References to both value and subelement ...
- The element at index {0} in the collection of objects to refresh has a null EntityKey property value or is not attached to ...
- The element at index {0} in the collection of objects to refresh is a duplicate of an object that is already in the collection. ...
- The element at index {0} in the collection of objects to refresh is in the added state. Objects in this state cannot be refreshed. ...
- The element type '{0}' and the CollectionType '{1}' are not compatible. The IN expression only supports entity, primitive, ...
- The element {1} in namespace {0} was unexpected for the root element. The expected Schema in one of the following namespaces: ...
- The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Pleaes contact customer support. Configuration of the embedded ...
- The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Embedded data failed consistency ...
- The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Embedded data may be missing ...
- The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Format of the embedded ...
- The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Information about the ...
- The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Information about the ...
- The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. Structure of the embedded ...
- The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. The embedded data may ...
- The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. The embedded log may be ...
- The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. The embedded metadata ...
- The embedded PowerPivot data in the workbook could not be loaded. Please contact Customer Support. The embedded metadata ...
- The enterprise gateway you had selected is no longer available. As a result, refresh scheduling is disabled. Use another ...
- The enterprise gateway you had selected is no longer available. As a result, refresh scheduling is disabled. Use another ...
- The entity '{0}' in type '{1}' and the entity '{2}' in type '{3}' are incompatible because they do not share a common super-type. ...
- The entity of type '{0}' references the same complex object of type '{1}' more than once. Complex objects cannot be referenced ...
- The EntityCollection could not be initialized because the relationship manager for the object to which the EntityCollection ...
- The EntityContainer name could not be determined. The provided EntitySet name must be qualified by the EntityContainer name, ...
- The EntityParameter '{0}' must have a value from which the DbType can be inferred, or a supported DbType must be set as the ...
- The EntityReference could not be initialized, because the relationship manager for object to which the entity reference belongs ...
- The EntitySet '{0}' has both a Table or Schema attribute and a DefiningQuery element. The Table and Schema attributes on ...
- The EntitySet '{0}' includes function mappings for AssociationSet '{1}', but none exists in element '{2}' for type '{3}'. ...
- The EntitySet '{0}' used for creating the Ref expression does not match the EntitySet '{1}' declared on the AssociationSetEnd ...
- The EntitySet '{0}' with schema '{1}' and table '{2}' was already defined. Each EntitySet must refer to a unique schema and ...
- The EntitySet could not be determined for the specified entity type '{0}' because there is more than one EntitySet defined ...
- The EntitySet could not be determined for the specified entity type '{0}' because there is more than one EntitySet defined ...
- The EntitySet for the End '{0}' in AssociationSet '{1}' was not specified, and cannot be inferred because none of the EntitySet ...
- The EntitySet for the End '{0}' in AssociationSet '{1}'was not specified, and cannot be inferred because the EntitySet is ...
- The EntitySet name '{0}.{1}' from the entity's EntityKey does not match the expected EntitySet name '{2}.{3}' from the '{4}' ...
- The EntitySet name cannot be null or empty, and must be qualified with an EntityContainer name that is not null or empty. ...
- The EntitySet name could not be determined. To attach an object, supply a valid EntitySet name and make sure that the object ...
- The EntitySetMapping in EntityContainerMapping for EntityContainer '{0}' must contain only mapping fragments and no query ...
- The EntityState value passed for the entity is not valid. The EntityState value must be one of the following: Added, Deleted, ...
- The EntityState value passed for the relationship is not valid. The EntityState value must be one of the following: Added, ...
- The EntityType '{0}' specified is not the declared type '{1}' nor a derivation of the type of the EntitySet '{2}' for FunctionImport ...
- The EntityType '{0}' that the NavigationProperty '{1}' is declared on is not the same type '{4}' referred by the end '{3}' ...
- The EntityType or ComplexType '{0}' cannot be mapped by convention to the value type '{1}'. Value types are not allowed to ...
- The evaluation period for this instance of Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services has expired. A license is now required. ...
- The evaluation reached the allowed size limit for the temp directory. Try increasing the allowed size limit for the temp ...
- The evaluation requires a permission that has not been provided. Data source kind: '{0}'. Data source path: '{1}'. Permission ...
- The event Id=%d{EventId/} does not contain the column Id=%d{ColId/}. Please refer to product documentation for a list of ...
- The event stream target in the '%{sessionname/}' XEvent session cannot be found. You can only subscribe to an XEvent session ...
- The Excel workbook, file '%{XLSXPathname/}', does not contain embedded PowerPivot data, or a data corruption error was detected. ...