SQL Server 2008

  1. Indexed views are supported only in the Enterprise Edition of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later. You have published one ...
  2. INDEXKEY_PROPERTY will be removed in a future version of SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and ...
  3. Indicates a poison message was detected because there were five transaction rollbacks in a row on a Service Broker queue. ...
  4. Indicates an object has been altered (for example, by ALTER INDEX, ALTER TABLE, or ALTER DATABASE statements). Each DDL operation ...
  5. Indicates how labels text can be rotated during the auto-fit process. This property has affect only when automatic label ...
  6. Indicates if labels can be shown in two rows during the auto-fit process. This property has affect only when automatic label ...
  7. Indicates if labels font can grow during the auto-fit process. This property has affect only when automatic label fitting ...
  8. Indicates if labels font can shrink during the auto-fit process. This property has affect only when automatic label fitting ...
  9. Indicates if labels text can be wrapped during the auto-fit process. This property has affect only when automatic label fitting ...
  10. Indicates if margin should be shown between the first/last data point and plotting area. Only applies to the categories axis. ...
  11. Indicates properties of existing user connections when trace was started. Server fires one ExistingConnection event per user ...
  12. Indicates sort operations that do not fit into memory. Does not include sort operations involving the creation of indexes, ...
  13. Indicates that a BEGIN TRANSACTION request has been completed. The request was sent from the client through Transaction Management ...
  14. Indicates that a BEGIN TRANSACTION request is starting. The request was sent from the client through Transaction Management ...
  15. Indicates that a COMMIT TRANSACTION request completed. The request was sent from the client through Transaction Management ...
  16. Indicates that a COMMIT TRANSACTION request is starting. The request was sent from the client through Transaction Management ...
  17. Indicates that a full-text crawl (population) has started. Use this event class to check if a crawl request is actually being ...
  18. Indicates that a full-text crawl (population) has stopped. The stop could due to a successfully completed crawl or a fatal ...
  19. Indicates that a lock on a resource, such as a data page, has been released. The Lock:Acquired and Lock:Released event classes ...
  20. Indicates that a predicate joining two tables is not present. This can potentially result in long-running queries or inaccurate ...
  21. Indicates that a predicate joining two tables is not present. This can potentially result in long-running queries or inaccurate ...
  22. Indicates that a PROMOTE TRANSACTION request has completed. The request was sent from the client through Transaction Management ...
  23. Indicates that a PROMOTE TRANSACTION request is starting. The request was sent from the client through Transaction Management ...
  24. Indicates that a request for a lock on a resource, such as a page, has timed out due to another transaction holding a blocking ...
  25. Indicates that a request for a lock on a resource, such as a page, has timed out due to another transaction holding a blocking ...
  26. Indicates that a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request completed. The request was sent from the client through Transaction Management ...
  27. Indicates that a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request is starting. The request was sent from the client through Transaction Management ...
  28. Indicates that a SAVE TRANSACTION request has completed. The request was sent from the client through Transaction Management ...
  29. Indicates that a SAVE TRANSACTION request is starting. The request was sent from the client through Transaction Management ...
  30. Indicates that a task has been blocked for more than a specified amount of time. This event class does not include system ...
  31. Indicates that acquisition of a lock on a resource, such as a data page, has been achieved. The Lock:Acquired and Lock:Released ...
  32. Indicates that all legend items are shown in reversed order. This property only affects legend items automatically added ...
  33. Indicates that an exception has been encountered during a full-text crawl. The error will usually cause the full-text crawl ...
  34. Indicates that column statistics which would have been useful to the query optimizer are not present. This can cause the ...
  35. Indicates that errors have occurred in the Service Broker Transport layer. The error number and state values indicate the ...
  36. Indicates that report should be written to a file. If a file name is supplied, the reports will be written to that destination, ...
  37. Indicates that SQL Server could not produce an execution plan for a query or batch that contained a plan guide. SQL Server ...
  38. Indicates that the data file grew automatically. This event does not get triggered if the data file is grown explicitly through ...
  39. Indicates that the data file grew automatically. This event does not get triggered if the data file is grown explicitly through ...
  40. Indicates that the log file grows automatically. This event does not get triggered if the log file is grown explicitly through ...
  41. Indicates that the log file grows automatically. This event does not get triggered if the log file is grown explicitly through ...
  42. Indicates that the SqlClient, ODBC, OLE DB, or DB-Library has unprepared (deleted) a prepared Transact-SQL statement or statements. ...
  43. Indicates that Transact-SQL script with recommendations should be written to a file. If a file name is supplied, the recommendations ...
  44. Indicates that transactions for the subreport are merged with transactions for the parent report if the data sources for ...
  45. Indicates that two concurrent transactions have deadlocked each other by trying to obtain incompatible locks on resources ...
  46. Indicates that two concurrent transactions have deadlocked each other by trying to obtain incompatible locks on resources ...
  47. Indicates that values along this axis are scalar values and each data point should be positioned according to the X value. ...
  48. Indicates the GUID for the plan handle. This GUID can be used by sys.dm_exec_query_plan function for retrieving the execution ...
  49. Indicates the initial state, expanded (+) or collapsed (-), of the toggle image. The state can also be set by an expression ...
  50. Indicates the progress of an online index build operation. In most situations, the online index build process is a long running ...
  51. Indicates when a cursor on an SQL statement has been recompiled either intentionally or due to a schema change or other event. ...
  52. Indicates when a prepared Transact-SQL statement or statements have been executed by SqlClient, ODBC, OLE DB or DB-Library. ...
  53. Indicates when SQL Server memory usage increases or decreases by 1 megabyte or 5% of the maximum server memory, whichever ...
  54. Indicates whether a margin is displayed between the first and last data point and the plotting area on the category axis. ...
  55. Indicates whether a static member appears on the same page with the closest non-hidden instance of the previous or following ...
  56. Indicates whether a static member is hidden when the data region contains no rows of data. The property overrides other visibility ...
  57. Indicates whether a static member is repeated on every page on which at least one complete instance of the dynamic member ...
  58. Indicates whether an attribute hierarchy is enabled for this attribute. If the attribute hierarchy is not enabled, then the ...
  59. Indicates whether changes made to individual columns by UPDATE operations will be tracked, and also indicates that the row ...
  60. Indicates whether dimensions that are unrelated to the measure group are forced to their top level when their members are ...
  61. Indicates whether existing objects on the destination server are dropped before the transfer. Integration Services applies ...
  62. Indicates whether minimum white space in containers is consumed or preserved when contents in containers grow. Only white ...
  63. Indicates whether processed data is available after all aggregations have been computed (Regular) or immediately after data ...
  64. Indicates whether processed data is available after all aggregations have been computed (Regular) or immediately after the ...
  65. Indicates whether processed data is available after all aggregations have been computed (Regular) or immediately after the ...
  66. Indicates whether processed data is available after all cached calculations have been computed (Regular) or immediately after ...
  67. Indicates whether the attribute can be aggregated in a hierarchy. The attribute hierarchy has an (All) level if is this is ...
  68. Indicates whether the attribute hierarchy is enabled on this cube dimension. This allows hierarchies to be disabled on specific ...
  69. Indicates whether the attribute hierarchy is optimized on this cube dimension. This allows hierarchies to be optimized on ...
  70. Indicates whether the attribute hierarchy is visible on this cube dimension. This allows hierarchies to be made invisible ...
  71. Indicates whether the attribute hierarchy is visible to client applications. Even if the attribute hierarchy is not visible, ...
  72. Indicates whether the column requires special handling because it may contain oversized data or it requires precision beyond ...
  73. Indicates whether the columns containing null will have null copied to the destination. If false, columns containing null ...
  74. Indicates whether the columns containing null will have null inserted in the destination. If false, columns containing null ...
  75. Indicates whether the component can be removed from the execution plan of the data flow if the component is the last one ...