SQL Server 2008

  1. Finnish-Swedish, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server ...
  2. Finnish-Swedish, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server ...
  3. Finnish-Swedish, case-insensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server ...
  4. Finnish-Swedish, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort ...
  5. Finnish-Swedish, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort ...
  6. Fires after the chart element background was drawn. This event is fired for elements like: ChartPicture, ChartArea and Legend. ...
  7. Fires when chart element background must be drawn. This event is fired for elements like: ChartPicture, ChartArea and Legend. ...
  8. Fires when chart element background must be drawn. This event is fired for elements such as ChartPicture, ChartArea, and ...
  9. Fixed percentage or number of rows are selected as part of the sample. {0} The selected rows are copied into a new spreadsheet ...
  10. Fi[le filespec Loads a package that is saved in the file system as a .dtsx file. The filespec argument specifies the path ...
  11. Flat File Connection Manager Editor can suggest the data type of columns. You can specify the sample size to use, the data ...
  12. Floating precision number data with the following valid values: -1.79E + 308 through -2.23E - 308, 0 and 2.23E + 308 through ...
  13. Floating precision number data with the following valid values: -3.40E + 38 through -1.18E - 38, 0 and 1.18E - 38 through ...
  14. Folder {0} exists in destination SQL Server and since overwrite option is not set for database ignoring transfer of database ...
  15. Follow the steps to complete the join statement that defines the relationship between rows in the filtered and joined tables. ...
  16. For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the .NET Assembly name should be the name of a valid assembly in '%1!s!' that ...
  17. For a .NET Assembly Business Logic Handler, the @resolver_info must contain the class name in '%1!s!' that implements the ...
  18. For a heterogeneous publisher, -PublisherDB on the distribution agent command line must be set to the publisher's distribution ...
  19. For a local file, verify that the path and file name are correct. For a remote file, verify that the URL is correct and you ...
  20. For a report server running in native mode, the path to the model folder, for example /Models. For a report server running ...
  21. For a report server running in native mode, the path to the report folder, for example /Reports. For a report server running ...
  22. For a report server running in native mode, the path to the report folder, for example /Reports. For a report server running ...
  23. For a report server running in native mode, the path to the report server where the project is deployed, for example http://servername/reportserver. ...
  24. For a report server running in native mode, the path to the report server where the project is deployed, for example http://servername/reportserver. ...
  25. For a report server running in native mode, the path to the shared data sources folder, for example /Data Sources. For a ...
  26. For actions which target a login (for instance, adding a new login), the security identification number (SID) of the targeted ...
  27. For backward compatibility, sp_addpublisher can be used to add a Publisher for this Distributor. However, sp_adddistpublisher ...
  28. For best results, set the performance gain value to 100% when doing usage-based optimization unless disk space or processing ...
  29. For DROP STATISTICS, you must provide both the object (table or view) name and the statistics name, in the form "objectname.statisticsname". ...
  30. For each OLAP mining structure column there must be an enabled attribute hierarchy. The '%{structureCol/}' OLAP mining structure ...
  31. For example, if the Orders table at a Subscriber should contain only orders for one sales representative, enter: salesrep ...
  32. For example, the Customers table has been filtered so that Subscribers receive only French customers (with the filter: country ...
  33. For faster performance, use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server or the SQL Server Native Client provider to connect ...
  34. For operands of a binary operation, the data type DT_STR is supported only for input columns and cast operations. The expression ...
  35. For operands of binary operation, the data type DT_STR is only supported for input columns and cast operations. A DT_STR ...
  36. For operands of the conditional operator, the data type DT_STR is only supported for input columns and cast operations. A ...
  37. For operands of the conditional operator, the data type DT_STR is supported only for input columns and cast operations. The ...
  38. For proper handling of default values and parameter names in calls SSMA must have information about procedure or function ...
  39. For SQL Server accounts in the same domain or trusted domains, specify the service accounts below. If the accounts are non-domain ...
  40. For stored procedure articles, the @property parameter value must be 'description', 'dest_table', 'dest_object', 'creation_script', ...
  41. For the %1!s! with external data type %2!s!, the XML schema specified a maxLength constraint of %3!d!, which exceeds the ...
  42. For the Cache connection manager, select an existing connection manager from the list, or create a new connection by clicking ...
  43. For the PREDICTION JOIN query against the '%{Name/}' model, each row of input must contain a non-null value in the Key Time ...
  44. For the PREDICTION JOIN query against the '%{Name/}' model, each row of input must contain a unique value in the Key Time ...
  45. For the wizard to configure the SQL Server Agent service, the SQL Server service account must have administrator permissions ...
  46. FOR XML AUTO could not find the table owning the following column '%1!s!' to create a URL address for it. Remove the column, ...
  47. FOR XML AUTO requires at least one table for generating XML tags. Use FOR XML RAW or add a FROM clause with a table name. ...
  48. FOR XML AUTO requires primary keys to create references for '%1!s!'. Select primary keys, or use BINARY BASE64 to obtain ...
  49. FOR XML could not serialize the data for node '%1!s!' because it contains a character ( 2!s!) which is not allowed in XML. ...
  50. FOR XML EXPLICIT and RAW modes currently do not support addressing binary data as URLs in column '%1!s!'. Remove the column, ...
  51. FOR XML EXPLICIT and RAW modes currently do not support addressing binary data as URLs in column '%1'. Remove the column, ...
  52. FOR XML EXPLICIT cannot combine multiple occurrences of ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and/or NMTOKENS in column name '%1!s!'. ...
  53. FOR XML EXPLICIT queries allow only one XMLTEXT column per tag. Column '%1!s!' declares another XMLTEXT column that is not ...
  54. FOR XML EXPLICIT query contains the invalid column name '%1!s!'. Use the TAGNAME!TAGID!ATTRIBUTENAME[!. format where TAGID ...
  55. FOR XML EXPLICIT query contains the invalid column name '%1'. Use the TAGNAME!TAGID!ATTRIBUTENAME[!. format where TAGID is ...
  56. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires at least three columns, including the tag column, the parent column, and at least one data column. ...
  57. FOR XML EXPLICIT requires attribute-centric IDREFS or NMTOKENS field '%1!s!' to precede element-centric IDREFS/NMTOKEN fields. ...
  58. FOR XML EXPLICIT: ID, IDREF, IDREFS, NMTOKEN, and NMTOKENS attributes cannot be generated as CDATA, XML or XMLTEXT in '%1'. ...
  59. FOR XML EXPLICIT: XML data type cannot be processed as CDATA in column name '%1'. Consider converting XML to a string type. ...
  60. FOR XML EXPLICIT: XML data types and CLR types cannot be processed as CDATA in column name '%1!s!'. Consider converting XML ...
  61. FOR XML NESTED requires at least one table for generating XML tags. Use FOR XML RAW or add a FROM clause with a table name. ...
  62. FOR XML NESTED requires primary keys to create references for '%1'. Select primary keys, or use BINARY BASE64 to obtain binary ...
  63. Forces the algorithm to use the indicated columns as regressors in the regression formula regardless of their importance ...
  64. Forcing re-initialization for article '%1!s!' in publication '%2!s!', the clustered index on indexed view '%3!s!' may have ...
  65. Forecasting Error The degree of the polynomial must be between 1 and 5: (1) Constant, (2) Linear Regression, (3 - 5) Multiple ...
  66. Foreign key '%1!s!' creation failed. Only NO ACTION and CASCADE referential delete actions are allowed for referencing computed ...
  67. Foreign key '%1!s!' creation failed. Only NO ACTION referential update action is allowed for referencing computed column ...
  68. Format "%1!s!" is not supported by Flat File Connection Manager. Supported formats are Delimited, FixedWidth, RaggedRight, ...
  69. Forwarded row mismatch: Object ID %1!s!, partition ID %2!s!, alloc unit ID %3!s! (type %4!s!) page %5!s!, slot %6!s! points ...
  70. Forwarded row referenced by more than one row. Object ID %1!s!, partition ID %2!s!, alloc unit ID %3!s! (type %4!s!), page ...
  71. French, case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kanatype-insensitive, width-insensitive for Unicode Data, SQL Server Sort Order ...
  72. freq_interval must be between 1 and 10 (1 = Sunday . 7 = Saturday, 8 = Day, 9 = Weekday, 10 = Weekend-day) for a monthly-relative ...
  73. FR[ename {SQL | DTS};ParentFolderPath;OldFolderName;NewFolderName Operation. Rename the specified folder on SSIS or SQL Server. ...
  74. Full Crawl must be executed on table or indexed view '%1!s!'. Columns affecting the index have been added or dropped since ...
  75. Full-text catalog '%1!s!' ('%2!s!') in database '%3!s!' ('%4!s!') is low on disk space. Pausing all populations in progress ...