Power BI
- Refresh failed on {0} because the connection couldn't be found in the database. Try refreshing the entire database or server ...
- Refresh failed on {0} because the role couldn't be found in the database. Try refreshing the entire database or server instead. ...
- Refresh failed on {0} because the table couldn't be found in the database. Try refreshing the entire database or server instead. ...
- Refresh operation for workbooks created with earlier version of PowerPivot is not available. Please upgrade your workbook ...
- Refresh the data that was imported from external data sources. Data must be imported into the PowerPivot window before it ...
- Related objects cannot be loaded using the {0} merge option. Relationships cannot be created when one object was retrieved ...
- Relationship '%{name/}' between columns '%{fromTable/}[%{fromColumn/}]' and '%{toTable/}[%{toColumn/}]' has CrossFilterDirection ...
- Relationship '%{name/}' between columns '%{fromTable/}[%{fromColumn/}]' and '%{toTable/}[%{toColumn/}]' has the TO end cardinality ...
- Relationship '%{name/}' between columns, '%{fromTable/}[%{fromColumn/}]' and '%{toTable/}[%{toColumn/}]' has an invalid type. ...
- Relationship from column '%{dimension/}'[%{column/} has an invalid %{from/} to %{to/} multiplicity and is not supported. ...
- Relationship is required between table '%{maintable/}' with editable column '%{editableattribute/}' and its Override table ...
- Relationship to the reference dimension '%{refdimname/}' when using Analysis Services in Tabular mode must have Materialization ...
- Relationship to the reference dimension '%{refdimname/}' when using Analysis Services in Tabular mode should have Materialization ...
- Relationship to the reference table '%{refdimname/}' must have the Materialization property set to Indirect because '%{dimname/}' ...
- Relationship to the reference table '%{refdimname/}' should have the Materialization property set to Regular because '%{dimname/}' ...
- Relationship with name '%{name/}' between columns, '%{fromTable/}[%{fromColumn/}]' and '%{toTable/}[%{toColumn/}]' has CrossFilterDirection ...
- Relationship with name '%{name/}' between columns, '%{fromTable/}[%{fromColumn/}]' and '%{toTable/}[%{toColumn/}]' has invalid ...
- Relationship with name '%{name/}' between columns, '%{fromTable/}[%{fromColumn/}]' and '%{toTable/}[%{toColumn/}]' has TO ...
- RelationshipEnd with role '%{role/}' under dimension '%{dimensionname/}' has invalid multiplicity value. Databases with the ...
- RelationshipEnd with role '%{role/}' under dimension '%{dimensionname/}' has non unique attibute with the ID of '%{id/}' ...
- Relationships could not be detected between the selected tables. The query might produce an unexpected result set. Do you ...
- Remove Location to display latitude and longitude pairs. Alternatively, you can also keep Location and set the aggregate ...
- Remove the PowerPivot service application identity from Administrators security group on the local computer. For more information ...
- Removes all occurrences of "null" values in the {0}. If there are no 'null' values in the list, the original list is returned. ...
- Removes all occurrences of the given values in the {1} from {0}. If the values in {1} don't exist in {0}, the original list ...
- Removes all occurrences of the given values in {1} from the list {0}. If the values in {1} don't exist in {0}, the original ...
- Removes all occurrences of the specified {1} from the {0}. An optional parameter {2} may be specified to control the comparison ...
- Removes duplicate rows from the table {0}. An optional parameter, {1}, specifies which columns of the table are tested for ...
- Removes the specified {1} from the {0} provided. If the column doesn't exist, an exception is thrown unless the optional ...
- Removes {2} of rows from the beginning of the {0}, starting at the {1} specified. A default count of 1 is used if the {2} ...
- Removing a pinned element does not remove the associated tile in Power BI. Only the pin, or mapping between the element and ...
- Removing a pinned element does not remove the associated tile. Only the pin, or mapping between the element and tile is removed. ...
- Renaming multiple objects in the same command is not supported. Please re-send the rename operations in multiple commands. ...
- Renaming this query will remove and recreate the associated Data Model table when the query is refreshed. Any customizations ...
- Repair installation errors in the program. This option fixes missing or corrupted files, shortcuts, and registry entries. ...
- Replace the column name "c" with "C" in the table ({[a = 1, b = 2], a = 3, b = 4], a = 5, b = 6]}) and ignore if the column ...
- Replace the contents of the selected PowerPivot table with the contents of the Clipboard. You must copy the data to the Clipboard ...
- Replace the error value in column A with the text "hello" and in column B with the text "world" in the table ({[a = ., b ...
- Replace the rows a = 1, b = 2 and a = 2, b = 3 with a = -1, b = -2],[a = -2, b = -3 in the table ({[a = 1, b = 2], a = 2, ...
- Replaces a specified number of rows, {2}, in the input {0} with the specified {3}, beginning after the {1}. The {3} parameter ...
- Replaces all the specified rows in the {0} with the provided ones. The rows to replace and the replacements are specified ...
- Replaces the error values in the specified columns of the {0} with the new values in the {1} list. The format of the list ...
- Replaces the {1} text in the original {0} with the {2} text. This replacer function can be used in List.ReplaceValue and ...
- Replaces the {1} value in the original {0} with the {2} value. This replacer function can be used in List.ReplaceValue and ...
- Report Server could not access this web application's content database. The application pool account may not have permission. ...
- Report Server only supports ODC files generated by Office 12 or higher. Make sure the ODC file is generated by Office 12 ...
- Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint products and technologies is not installed. It must be installed before you can ...
- Republish no more! Keep your reports on the Power BI service up to date by saving there directly. Select File > Save As > ...
- Requested operation is not allowed when the owner of this RelatedEnd is null. RelatedEnd objects that were created with the ...
- Resetting the phone version of this dashboard returns it to its original state. To create a phone version, you will need ...
- Resolution of actual cluster endpoint of Azure Analysis Server: '%{serverName/}' failed. Response from server: %{serverR ...
- Resource group name can only include alphanumeric characters, periods, underscores, hyphens and parenthesis and cannot end ...
- Restore command Location subtree used for restoring of remote partition incomplete: it must contain non-empty DataSourceId, ...
- Restore command Location subtree used for updating of DS connection strings incomplete: it must contain non-empty DataSourceId, ...
- Restore command Location subtree used to specify folder location mapping must contain at least one non-empty Folder element. ...
- Restore failed. Backup file was created on a server with ConnStringEncryptionEnabled=%d{BLSet/} and current server is running ...
- Restore failed. Backup file was created on a server with EnableBinaryXML=%d{BLSet/} and current server is running with EnableBinaryXML=%d{CSSet/}. ...
- Restore failed. Backup file was created on a server with EnableCompression=%d{BLSet/} and current server is running with ...
- Restored/synchronized database '%{database/}' should already exist on target machine and must contain master datasource pointing ...
- Return a table from a list of customer names in a list. Each value in the customer list item becomes a row value, and each ...
- Return a table with column CustomerID with values {1, 2}, column Name with values {"Bob", "Jim"}, and column Phone with values ...
- Return a table with column CustomerID with values {1, 2}, column Name with values {"Bob", "Jim"}, and column Phone with values ...
- Return a table with the null values in column b filled with the value above them from the table ({[a = 1, b = 2], a = 3, ...
- Return a table with the null values in column b filled with the value below them from the table ({[a = 1, b = 2], a = 3, ...
- Return the names of columns of type Number.Type from the table Table.FromRecords({[a=1,b="hello"]}, type table[a=Number.Type, ...
- Return type is not valid in FunctionImport '{0}'. The FunctionImport can have no return type or return a collection of scalar ...
- Return type is not valid in FunctionImport '{0}'. The FunctionImport must return a collection of scalar values or a collection ...
- Returns -1, 0 or 1 based on the first text being less than, equal to, or greater than the second in dictionary order. Can ...
- Returns 1 for if {0} is a positive number, -1 if it is a negative number, and 0 if it is zero. If {0} is null, Number.Sign ...
- Returns a -1, 0, or 1 number value based on the first text value, {0}, being less than, equal to, or greater than the second ...
- Returns a 16-bit integer number value from the given {0}. If the given {0} is null , Int16.From returns null . If the given ...
- Returns a 32-bit integer number value from the given {0}. If the given {0} is null , Int32.From returns null . If the given ...
- Returns a 64-bit integer number value from the given {0}. If the given {0} is null , Int64.From returns null . If the given ...
- Returns a 8-bit integer number value from the given {0}. If the given {0} is null , Byte.From returns null . If the given ...
- Returns a binary format that chooses the next binary format based on a value that has already been read. The binary format ...