TF254076: One or more errors occurred while attempting to detach the team project collection. For more information, open the log file.
TF254072: The Team Project Collection cannot be created because there is an existing collection with this name. Please rename ...
TF254073: You must select a database to attach. If there are no databases available, make sure that you have connected to ...
TF254074: One or more errors occurred while attempting to attach the team project collection. For more information, open ...
TF254075: The team project collection was attached, but one or more warnings occurred during the process. For more information, ...
TF254076: One or more errors occurred while attempting to detach the team project collection. For more information, open ...
TF254077: The team project collection was detached, but one or more warnings occurred during the process. For more information, ...
TF254078: No attachable databases were found on the following instance of SQL Server: {0}. Verify that both the name of the ...
TF254081: An error prevented retrieving instances of SQL Server Reporting Services installed on this computer. This can happen ...
TF255001: The connection failed while attempting to check the data store. Check your network connectivity and verify that ...