Monitor the performance of the RD Gateway server to determine the maximum number of connections that the RD Gateway server can support. If necessary, use the RD Gateway Manager tool to reconfigure the maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed.
Modify the wireless security settings for "%ws" The wireless network you are trying to connect to requires shared-key authentication, ...
Modifying resource dependencies for DFS Replicated folder resources is not recommended. Instead, please use the DFS Management ...
Module definition '%s' in classification rule '%s' was either disabled or not found. The classification rule will not be ...
ModuleInstance represents the Win32 instance handle.The ModuleInstance property has been deprecated. There is no replacement ...
Monitor the performance of the RD Gateway server to determine the maximum number of connections that the RD Gateway server ...
Monitor's refresh rate in hertz. If a range of rates is supported, use the MinRefreshRate and MaxRefreshRate properties, ...
Monitors ambient light sensors to detect changes in ambient light and adjust the display brightness. If this service is stopped ...
Monitors the state of this virtual machine by reporting a heartbeat at regular intervals. This service helps you identify ...
More cake orders have come in. Can you help us out? Watch the TV and make cakes that match the ones on the screen. Good luck! ...