'realloc' might return null pointer: assigning null pointer to '%1$ls', which is passed as an argument to 'realloc', will cause the original memory block to be leaked.
Readiness checks passed but there are some warnings or messages. Carefully review the following messages, and then click ...
Reading diagnostic data adapter settings threw an running '{0}'. All diagnostic data adapters will be skipped in this run. ...
Reads on paused streams will not block, and this return code indicates that all of the data has been removed from the stream. ...
Ready to take your skills to the next level? Experience the full set of professional development tools and productivity extensions ...
realloc' might return null pointer: assigning null pointer to '%1$ls', which is passed as an argument to 'realloc', will ...
Rebuild resource file {0} with a released version of .NET. The '{1}' key specified an unrecognized version '{2}'. The version ...
Reconfigure an existing code coverage session. Usage: config options Options: /config: required Override the configuration ...
recursive call to '%s': recursion is detected when compiling the call graph for the concurrency::parallel_for_each at: '%s' ...
Recursive references to the object being defined will be checked for initialization soundness at runtime through the use ...