Conversion This tab allows changing parameters affecting PL/SQL to Transact-SQL conversion performed by SSMA. It contains ...



This tab allows changing parameters affecting PL/SQL to Transact-SQL conversion performed by SSMA. It contains the following options:
  1. Generate ROWID column - This checkbox enables or disables generation of ROWID column for converted tables, and this also affects the SQL that uses those tables. For example, trigger generation will be very limited.
  2. Allow sequence-to-identity conversion - This option enables or disables functionality of converting sequences to identity. If this option is selected, SSMA will generate a Transact-SQL code that emulates sequence behavior in SQL Server. That is the most general and correct solution for sequence conversion.
  3. Allow insertion to IDENTITY columns - If this is checked, converted SQL can have inserts to tables with IDENTITY columns. This solution may not be correct in some cases depending on business application logic, but if it fits your needs, we recommend it because that is a native SQL Server solution to handle counters.
  4. Show system sequences - If this option is checked, system sequences will be shown in dialogs where sequence can be used as identity. This option is only relevant when the option "Allow insertion to IDENTITY columns" is selected.
  5. Convert transaction processing statements - This option enables or disables conversion of SQL statements with transaction management.
  6. Convert exceptions - This option enables or disables conversion of exceptions in general.
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