SMS Site Backup was unable to back up registry key %1 to %2.%12 Possible cause: SMS Site Backup was unable to connect to ...

%11SMS Site Backup was unable to back up registry key %1 to %2.%12

Possible cause: SMS Site Backup was unable to connect to or set backup privileges for the source registry.
Solution: If %1 is in a remote registry, verify that the Site System Connection accounts are properly configured to allow SMS to administer the remote computer; otherwise, reboot.

Possible cause: %1 specifies a registry key relative to a hive other than HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
Solution: Change %1 so it is relative to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Possible cause: %2 or its directory are not writable.
Solution: Adjust file attributes and/or permissions on %2 and/or its directory.

Possible cause: An application is using %2 or some component of its path (for example, Windows Explorer may be viewing %2's parent directory.)
Solution: Verify that %2 and its parent directories are not in use by any application.%0
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