Remarks: - Add a new mainmode rule to the firewall policy. - Rule name should be unique and cannot be "all". - Computerpsk ...


      - Add a new mainmode rule to the firewall policy.
      - Rule name should be unique and cannot be "all".
      - Computerpsk and computerntlm methods cannot be
        specified together for auth1.
      - The use of DES, MD5 and DHGroup1 is not recommended.
        These cryptographic algorithms are provided for backward
        compatibility   only.
      - The minimum main mode keylifetime is mmkeylifetime=1min.
        The maximum main mode mmkeylifetime= 2880min.
        The minimum number of sessions= 0 sessions.
        The maximum = 2,147,483,647 sessions.
      - The mmsecmethods keyword default sets the policy to:
      - Certhash specifies the thumbprint, or hash of the certificate.
      - Followrenewal specifies whether to automatically follow renewal
        links in certificates. Only applicable for certificate section
        (requires certhash).
      - Certeku specifies the comma separated list of EKU OIDs to match
        in the certificate.
      - Certname specifies the string to match for certificate name
        (requires certnametype).
      - Certnametype specifies the certificate field for the certname
        to be matched against (requires certname).
      - Certcriteriatype specifies whether to take the action with the
        certificate when selecting the local certificate, validating
        the peer certificate, or both.


      -Add a main mode rule
       Netsh advfirewall mainmode add rule name="test"
       description="Mainmode for RATH"
       auth1ca="C=US, O=MSFT, CN=\'Microsoft North,
       South, East, and West Root Authority\'"
       auth1ecdsap256ca="C=US, O=MSFT, CN=\'Microsoft North,
       South, East, and West Root Authority\'"
       mmkeylifetime=2min profile=domain