Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses UriTemplate parameters, but also uses a MessageContract parameter. MessageContract and UriTemplate parameters are incompatible.
Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses a MessageContract that has SOAP headers. SOAP headers are not supported by the None ...
Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses GET, but also has a parameter of MessageContract type '{2}'. GET operations cannot ...
Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses GET, but also has body parameter '{2}'. GET operations cannot have a body. Either ...
Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses UriTemplate parameters, but also uses a Message parameter. Message and UriTemplate ...
Operation '{0}' in contract '{1}' uses UriTemplate parameters, but also uses a MessageContract parameter. MessageContract ...
Operation '{0}' of contract '{1}' specifies at least one response body parameter that is not a return value of the operation. ...
Operation '{0}' of contract '{1}' specifies MessageContract type '{2}' which has IsWrapped as false but has multiple request ...
Operation '{0}' of contract '{1}' specifies multiple request body parameters to be serialized without any wrapper elements. ...
Operation '{0}' on service instance with identifier '{1}' cannot be performed at this time. Please ensure that the operations ...