Usage: show netevents [ [ file = ]| - ] [ [ protocol = ] ] [ [ localaddr = ] ] [ [ remoteaddr = ] ] [ [ localport = ] ] [ [ remoteport = ] ] [ [ appid = ] ] [ [ userid = ] ] [ [ timewindow = ] ] Parameters: Tag Value file - Output file name. The default is 'netevents.xml'. If this parameter is set to the dash character, 'file = -', the output is written only to the console. protocol - The IP protocol. This must be an integer. localaddr - The IP addresses. 'localaddr' is the local IP address, remoteaddr and 'remoteaddr' is the remote IP address. The addresses are either IPv4 or IPv6. If both local and remote addresses are specified, they both must belong to the same address family. localport - The ports. 'localport' is the local port, and 'remoteport' is the remote port. remoteport They must be integers. appid - The application sending or receiving the traffic on the local host. This either an NT path such as '\device\harddiskvolume1\windows\system32\ftp.exe' or a DOS path such as 'c:\Windows\System32\ftp.exe' The supplied path must exist. userid - The user sending or receiving the traffic on the local host. The userid may be a SID (such as 'S-1-5-18') or a user name (such as 'nt authority\system'). timewindow - Limits the output to network events that occurred within a specified number of seconds. This must be an integer. Remarks: Displays recent network events matching the specified traffic parameters.
Usage: show global property Parameters: ipsec - Shows IPsec specific settings. statefulftp - Shows stateful ftp support. ...
Usage: show localcache Remarks: Displays the status of the local cache. The maximum size of the cache can be configured as ...
Usage: show mainmode rule name= profile=public|private|domain|active|any[,. verbose Remarks: - Displays the Main mode Security ...
Usage: show mmsa (source destination)|all Remarks: - This command shows the security association, or as filtered by (source ...
Usage: show netevents file = | - protocol = localaddr = remoteaddr = localport = remoteport = appid = userid = timewindow ...
Usage: show options optionsfor = NETEVENTS | KEYWORDS | TXNWATCHDOG Parameters: Tag Value optionsfor - Can be either NETEVENTS, ...
Usage: show privateprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...
Usage: show publicationcache Remarks: Displays the status of the local publication cache. The maximum size of the cache can ...
Usage: show publicprofile parameter Parameters: state - Displays whether Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is on or ...