You do not have the correct permissions to perform this task. Specify a user account with administrative privileges, and then retry the operation.
You do not have permissions to configure FILESTREAM feature. You need Windows Administrator rights to configure FILESTREAM ...
You do not have permissions to run agents for push subscriptions. Make sure that you specify the agent parameter 'SubscriptionType'. ...
You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as administrator ...
You do not have the correct permissions to perform this task on the SQL Server database. Specify a SQL Server user account ...
You do not have the correct permissions to perform this task. Specify a user account with administrative privileges, and ...
You do not have the correct permissions to perform this task. The specified user account does not have administrator privileges ...
You do not have the correct permissions to perform this task. The specified user account does not have administrator privileges ...
You do not have the required permission to save changes to the following tables. Use the Save Change Script command to create ...
You have attempted to use a rendering extension that is either not registered for this report server or it is not supported ...