The legal entity is not assigned a primary postal address. Open the General fast tab and add a primary postal address for this legal entity.
The LedgerDefaultDescriptionsEntity entity contains information about the transaction text that is used for the specific ...
The LedgerJournalTrans_Allocation table contains the allocation transaction detail information that pertains to a single ...
The LedgerPeriodCloseProjectTaskTemplateRelation table is used to link LedgerPeriodCloseTemplateTask and LedgerPeriodCloseProjectTask ...
The legacy company was already removed from Management Reporter. This task will be removed since the problem was resolved. ...
The legal entity is not assigned a primary postal address. Open the General fast tab and add a primary postal address for ...
The legal entity name is not specified for the initiating party. Specify the legal entity name in the Legal entities form ...
The legal entity name is not specified for the legal entity. Specify the legal entity name in the Legal entities form to ...
The legal entity of the bank differs from the legal entity that you are logged in to. Select a different offset legal entity ...
The legal entity-specific threshold that you entered is higher than the organization wide threshold for this rule, based ...