You received this error because, although you turned off text messaging notifications, you still have an Inbox rule that generates text messaging notifications. To stop seeing this error, delete the Inbox rule using the Inbox Rules settings.
You need to run this script after you have configured Federated Delivery using New/Set-OrganizationRelationship task. This ...
You need to specify a SIP resource identifier (for example, Extensions can't be set to null or be empty. ...
You previously selected the DNS SRV method of Autodiscover. If you intend to use this method with a standard certificate, ...
You received a more recent update to this meeting. This meeting request is out of date. You can't respond to this request. ...
You received this error because, although you turned off text messaging notifications, you still have an Inbox rule that ...
You received this meeting cancellation on behalf of {0}. Outlook Web App doesn't support managing meeting cancellations received ...
You received this meeting request on behalf of {0}. To respond to a meeting request that was received on behalf of someone ...
You selected "Always show From" in Mail Settings, but only the IRM conversation owner has permission to change the From address. ...
You selected the 'Include the following address lists' check box. You must select at least one address list. To select an ...