Analyze data from one or more coverage files and output XML. Usage: analyze [options][file2 [...]] Options: /include_skipped_functions [optional] Includes skipped functions in the results. /include_skipped_modules [optional] Includes skipped modules in the results /output: [optional] The file to output the analyzed coverage data to The default is to use standard output /test: [optional] The test identifier string to limit the coverage data to. This option can be specified multiple times to merge coverage data for different tests together Example: CodeCoverage analyze /include_skipped_functions /include_skipped_modules /output:results.xml MyWebApp.coverage%0
An x:Class attribute is required to generate an event handler. Modify the root element of the XAML document to include an ...
An XmlnsCompatibleWithAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the NewNamespace and OldNamespace ...
An XmlnsDefinitionAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the ClrNamespace and XmlNamespace ...
An XmlnsPrefixAttribute in assembly '{0}' is missing a required property. Set both the Prefix and XmlNamespace properties, ...
Analyze data from one or more coverage files and output XML. Usage: analyze options file2 . Options: /include_skipped_functions ...
And keyword Performs a logical conjunction on two Boolean expressions, or a bitwise conjunction on two numeric expressions. ...
And operator Performs a logical conjunction on two Boolean expressions, or a bitwise conjunction on two numeric expressions. ...
AndAlso operator Performs a short-circuit logical conjunction on two expressions. Returns True if both operands evaluate ...
Animation {0}, whose target visual is {1}, is CPU-bound because of {2}. Go to the Performance Warnings menu in the navigation ...