As part of upgrade, administrators can offer visual upgrade to their customers. When users control visual upgrade, the initial data upgrade will preserve the SharePoint user experience (including layout, command organization, and style). After upgrade, farm administrators, site collection administrators, or site owners can update their sites to the latest SharePoint user experience. New sites created after upgrade will always use the new SharePoint user experience. Some sites and features designed to work with specific versions of the SharePoint user experience may upgrade with separate settings.
As an alternative to identity verification by using voice recognition, the user can provide/publish their fingerprint through ...
As an example you can use a personalization site to unlock information buried in various business systems and by your site ...
As issues and tasks come up, write them down and mark them using Tags or Outlook Tasks. Others can then see them by viewing ...
As part of E-mail notification of workflow tasks, users can edit a task by clicking the "Open this task" button to display ...
As part of upgrade, administrators can offer visual upgrade to their customers. When users control visual upgrade, the initial ...
As part of your upgrade, you now have additional features installed on your SharePoint farm. These features will be enabled ...
As you change these settings, check the preview chart to make sure you get the look you want. To see more settings, click ...
As you update scheduling information for an automatically scheduled task, such as task duration and start and finish dates, ...
As you use online services and browse sites from Microsoft and its partners, Microsoft can use the information collected ...