Something happened and we can't write to the notebook cache. It might be because of a change in file permissions or because of a serious disk error. (!idspnOneNote) will exit now.Please contact technical support for assistance.
Some content is not available because it is from a later version of (!idspnOneNote). Update to the most recent version of ...
Some files cannot be optimized because they are read-only, they cannot be accessed, or you are not authenticated against ...
Some of your sections are from an older version of (!idspnOneNote). We'll have to upgrade them in order to move them to the ...
Some sections in this notebook could not be moved. These sections will be left at the old location. Do you want to continue ...
Something happened and we can't write to the notebook cache. It might be because of a change in file permissions or because ...
Something went wrong and IE didn't send anything to OneNote.Try taking a Screen Clipping or click Print in IE and pick the ...
Sorry, we couldn't open the notes that you were looking for. They may have been moved or deleted, or you may not have permission ...
Start taking notes!Tap or click here to create a new notebook. You can also open one of your existing notebooks from the ...
TH-OCR Copyright 2000-2002 by Beijing Tsinghua Unisplendour Wintone Information and Technology Corporation, Ltd. and ScanSoft, ...