Features on Demand User Experience Tool FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:[/caller-name: ] [/hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest}] Fondue.exe enables Windows optional features by downloading required files from Windows Update or a source that Group Policy specifies. /enable-feature - Specifies the name of the Windows optional feature that you want to enable. You can enable only one feature per command line. To enable multiple features, use Fondue.exe for each feature. /caller-name - Specifies the program or process name when you call Fondue.exe from a script or a batch file. You can use this option to send a report of the program name to Microsoft. /hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest} - Use "all" to hide all messages to the user, including progress and permission requests to access Windows Update. If permission is required, the operation will fail. Use "rebootRequest" only to hide user messages that ask for permission to reboot the PC. Use this option if you have a script that controls reboot requests. EXAMPLES: FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3 FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NETFX3 /caller-name:Admin.bat /hide-ux:all
Fax submitted: %2 To server: %3 Transmission started: %4 Transmission end: %5 Number of retries: %6!ld! Number of pages: ...
Fax submitted: %2 To server: %3 Transmission started: %4 Transmission end: %5 Number of retries: %6!ld! Number of pages: ...
Faxes cannot be archived and incoming faxes cannot be routed, because the Fax service encountered problems with the archive ...
Faxes cannot be submitted or sent because the Fax service cannot access the folder %1 specified for the fax queue. The location ...
Features on Demand User Experience Tool FONDUE.exe /enable-feature: /caller-name: /hide-ux:{all | rebootRequest} Fondue.exe ...
Federation Utility cannot be invoked when the UseFederationPropertiesFromConfiguration property on the control is set to ...
Feed for contact %1 as a part of operation %2 did not provide enough items. %3 were requested and %4 were provided with %5 ...
FID references block beyond the end of the partition. Deleting FID pointing to ICB at block %2 in directory ICB at block ...
Field %1 in enum %2 in file %3 has an invalid version number. All versions on fields must be greater than or equal to the ...