Two or more of the selected schemas share the same target namespace ("{0}"). Document instances corresponding to those schemas may not be processed correctly.
Tracking option MessageSendReceive must be turned on if TrackPropertiesForIncomingMessages or TrackPropertiesForOutgoingMessages ...
Tracking Options Control is out-of-sync with the Management Database. Please refresh the view before doing other changes. ...
Transaction is not active after event handler {0} executed. Status: {1}. It might have been terminated. Check if the event ...
True -{4}: -{5}: Deploys BAM interceptor configuration to the BAM Primary Import Database. It will fail if XML is not valid ...
Two or more of the selected schemas share the same target namespace ("{0}"). Document instances corresponding to those schemas ...
Two or more of the selected schemas share the same target namespace. Document instances corresponding to these schemas may ...
Type in a path and file name, drag-and-drop an assembly file, or browse for a BizTalk assembly containing document schemas. ...
Type in a path and file name, drag-and-drop an assembly file, or browse for a BizTalk assembly containing document schemas. ...
Type in a path and file name, drag-and-drop an assembly file, or browse for a BizTalk assembly containing document schemas. ...