A matching Microsoft Visual Studio Shell (Isolated) language pack is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install the Microsoft Visual Studio Shell (Isolated) language pack for this language and retry.
A local variable named '%1!ls!' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to '%1!ls!', which ...
A local Web server is necessary to properly preview and run files. Files will be previewed and run from the local cache. ...
A macro called a debugger action which is not allowed while responding to an event or while being run because a breakpoint ...
A manifest determines specific settings for an application. To embed a custom manifest, first add it to your project and ...
A matching Microsoft Visual Studio Shell (Isolated) language pack is required, but it is not installed on this computer. ...
a member %sq of this type is reserved within a %[managed class - %[C++/CLI operators must be declared using the keyword 'operator' ...
A member of the db_owner role must use the Visual Studio database diagramming functionality in order to set up the required ...
A method has security set at both the type and method levels. This might not have the intended effect. Security actions on ...
A Microsoft .NET Framework component, diasymreader.dll, is not correctly installed. Please repair your Microsoft .NET Framework ...