Could not establish connection to the required Exchange service {0}, please ensure that the required Exchange services are running on the destination machine.
Could not delete key 2]. { System error 3].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support ...
Could not delete value 2 from key 3]. { System error 4].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact ...
Could not determine the domain controller used by the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service. Check for network connectivity ...
Could not establish a signed Kerberos LDAP connection to %1. Please ensure the domain controller %1 is running Windows 2000 ...
Could not establish connection to the required Exchange service {0}, please ensure that the required Exchange services are ...
Could not find a local copy of the following custom prompt files for auto attendant '%1': %2If these are newly added custom ...
Could not find and/or log on with user {0}\{1}, if this task is being run without credentials, please log in as a Domain ...
Could not find or log on with user {0}\{1}. If this task is being run without credentials, log on as a Domain Administrator, ...
Could not find the Exchange Mailbox Administrators Universal Security Group through its well-known GUID {0}. Please make ...