Enter the number of open fiscal years. If the total number of currently open fiscal years plus the new fiscal year will exceed this number, a message is displayed, and the new fiscal year is not created.
Enter the number of minutes to use for rounding off the work time after the registration for the profile type has started. ...
Enter the number of minutes to use for rounding off the work time before the registration for the profile type has ended. ...
Enter the number of minutes to use for rounding off the work time. For example, if this value is set to 15 for the Clock ...
Enter the number of minutes to use for rounding off the work time. For example, if this value is set to 15 for the Clock ...
Enter the number of open fiscal years. If the total number of currently open fiscal years plus the new fiscal year will exceed ...
Enter the number of payments to include in the installment plan. You can enter information in this field only if you selected ...
Enter the number of periods between payment due dates. For example, if you select Months in the Payment per field and enter ...
Enter the number of periods between the payment due dates. For example, if you select Months in the Payment per field and ...
Enter the number of periods to set up. The field contains the default value of 1, but you can change it for the Day, Week, ...