Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry.
Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) is not running under your user account and MSVSMON could not ...
Microsoft Visual Studio Shell (Integrated) is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...
Microsoft Visual Studio Shell (Isolated) is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...
Microsoft Visual Studio Shells Redist is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Explorer is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...
Microsoft Visual Studio Test Controller 2010 manages a set of machines with test agents and enables you to run automated ...
Microsoft Visual Studio Test Controller is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...
Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2011 Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional 2011 installs the integrated toolset ...
Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional is required, but it is not installed on this computer. Please install it and retry. ...