Buffer returns the requested Descriptor information. If the Descriptor does not exist, the contents of the Buffer are undefined.
British Indian Ocean Territory|Territorio Britanico del Oceano Indico|Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien|Territorio ...
Browse for a signed file to use as a reference for the rule. Use the slider to select which properties define the rule; as ...
Browse the library for items to add to your playlist. You can add items by dropping them onto the playlist name in the Navigation ...
BSS type not allowed - The connection mode setting (any network, infrastructure or ad hoc only) doesn't match the requirements ...
Buffer returns the requested Descriptor information. If the Descriptor does not exist, the contents of the Buffer are undefined. ...
Build Scatter Gather Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which NDIS processed building Scatter Gather ...
Build Scatter Gather List Calls/sec is the average rate, in incidents per second, at which NDIS received a request from an ...
Build the executable files and drivers for the processor architecture where you want to install them. See links below for ...
Bundle manifest must include valid entries for all required fields, please modify the manifest entries listed above. See ...