Excluding object "{0}" which is referenced by articles in the specified publication from the current snapshot. The generated snapshot may fail to be applied to the Subscriber if the excluded object is missing at the Subscriber.
Exception encountered while evaluating policy '{0}'. Cannot log exception details because exception serialization failed. ...
Exception happened when calling cryptographic provider '%1!s!' in the API '%2!s!'. SQL Server is terminating process %3!s!. ...
Exception happened when running extended stored procedure '%1!s!' in the library '%2!s!'. SQL Server is terminating process ...
Exception occurred in destructor of RowsetNewSS 1!s!. This error may indicate a problem related to releasing pre-allocated ...
Excluding object "{0}" which is referenced by articles in the specified publication from the current snapshot. The generated ...
Execute call failed because the executable is already executing. This error occurs when the client calls Execute on a container ...
Execute the following statements at the Monitor to configure Log Shipping - for the database {0}].[{1}], - the script needs ...
Execute the following statements at the Primary to configure Log Shipping - for the database {0}].[{1}], - The script needs ...
Execute the following statements at the Publisher(s) to create subscriptions in database. - For subscriptions to Oracle Publications, ...