An optional parameter in record and table functions indicating that missing fields should result in an error. (This is the default parameter value.)
An object with the '%{objectname/}' name already exists on the instance. (The AllowOverwrite flag only applies to the '%{objectid/}' ...
An object with the same '%{objectId/}' ID but different '%{objectname/}' Name already exists on the instance. (The AllowOverwrite ...
An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The existing object is in the {0} state. An object ...
An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects ...
An optional parameter in record and table functions indicating that missing fields should result in an error. (This is the ...
An out of line binding was specified in the request, but its target is not a valid object. The specified ID must be a valid ...
An out-of-line binding was specified in the request, but its target is not a valid object. The specified ID must be a valid ...
An overflow was encountered while converting a predicted value to the '%{ColumnName/}' column, at line %d{Line/}, column ...
An unexpected error was detected. The schema of the store declared that a column can never contain null values, but a null ...